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Pool Openings And Closings

Arthur Edwards Pool and Spa Centre

Opening and closing your pool are two crucial tasks to ensure its longevity and optimal performance throughout the swimming season. Properly executed, these processes can prevent costly repairs and keep your pool water safe and inviting. Let's delve into the essential steps for both pool openings and closings:

Pool Opening:

  1. Remove the Cover: Start by carefully removing the cover from your pool. Clean and dry it thoroughly before storing it away to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  2. Inspect and Clean: Check the pool for any debris, leaves, or dirt that may have accumulated during the off-season. Use a skimmer and a pool vacuum to remove debris from the water and the pool floor.

  3. Check Equipment: Inspect your pool equipment, including the pump, filter, and heater, for any signs of damage or wear. Replace or repair any faulty components before proceeding.

  4. Test Water Chemistry: Test the water chemistry using a pool testing kit. Balance the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels as needed to ensure clean and safe swimming water.

  5. Shock Treatment: Shock the pool with a chlorine-based shock treatment to kill any bacteria or algae present in the water. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully for proper dosage and application.

  6. Brush and Scrub: Thoroughly brush and scrub the pool walls and floor to remove any algae or stubborn stains. Pay close attention to areas with poor circulation or low sunlight exposure.

  7. Run the System: Start up your pool filtration system and run it for at least 24 to 48 hours to circulate the water and ensure proper filtration.

  8. Add Necessary Chemicals: Add any additional chemicals required to maintain the water balance, such as algaecides or clarifiers, according to the recommendations of your pool professional.

  9. Monitor Water Levels: Keep an eye on the water level in your pool and top it up as needed to maintain the proper water level for optimal filtration and skimming.

Pool Closing:

  1. Balance Water Chemistry: Test the water chemistry one last time and balance the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels to prevent scale buildup and corrosion during the off-season.

  2. Clean and Vacuum: Thoroughly clean and vacuum the pool to remove any debris, leaves, and algae that may have accumulated during the swimming season.

  3. Lower Water Level: Lower the water level in the pool to below the skimmer and return lines to prevent freezing and damage to the plumbing system.

  4. Winterize Equipment: Shut down and winterize your pool equipment, including the pump, filter, heater, and any other accessories. Drain water from all components and store them in a dry, protected area.

  5. Add Winter Chemicals: Add winterizing chemicals, such as algaecide and winterizing shock, to prevent algae growth and keep the water clean and clear during the off-season.

  6. Install Winter Cover: Install a durable winter cover over the pool to protect it from debris, sunlight, and harsh weather conditions. Ensure the cover is securely fastened to prevent it from blowing away.

  7. Regular Maintenance: Throughout the off-season, periodically check the pool cover for any damage or signs of wear. Remove any debris that may accumulate on the cover to prevent it from sinking into the pool water.

By following these essential steps for pool openings and closings, you can ensure that your pool remains in top condition year-round, providing endless hours of enjoyment for you and your family.

Schedule your Opening
or Closing Today
